My Journey
As a classroom teacher every year, I had a few students who needed extra support to reach the learning objectives. I kept reading about different types of learners and brain development research. I kept trying different approaches to give these students the environment conducive to their learning needs.
My quest for more information about different learners spilled over into my home. We never had my own children tested but in retrospect I see patterns of learning behavior that would indicate the existence of some learning challenges. I immersed myself and my children in learning about learning. Seeking answers for that million dollar question. How can I help my child learn?
I began my private practice as an Academic Coach the year my youngest graduated from high school in 2008. I found that I was not alone in wanting support for college students in the area of executive functions and cognition. For the past five years I have worked with college students offering them the academic support needed to meet their academic goals.
Two years into my private practice in 2010, I knew I had to know more. I returned to college after 21 years to pursue my PhD studies. It’s like an itch that never stops. I must answer that quest: How can I help students learn to learn?
Today I love what I do. I consult with parents and educators about the learning brain. I work with students one on one and help them fall in love with their brain. I conduct workshops and speak at conferences. I write and read and learn.
Your brain is amazing. You can use your brain on purpose to learn.
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