Why Go to a Conference?
Why do I attend conferences? Conferences cost money. There’s the airfare, the hotel, meals, ground transportation and then there is the registration at the conference. This all adds up. So why do it?
I go to conferences to present. I personally enjoy public speaking. Knowing that I will present before a room full of experts in their field causes me to immerse in the literature. Presenting my thoughts on the literature in a logical and sequential manner forces me to think clearly. I come away with deeper understanding of my topic
After the conference I will submit my paper for publication of the proceedings of the conference. Maybe I will get published from this event.

Sheryl Burgstahler, founder & director of DO-IT Center and Assistive Technology Center at University of Washington.
Going to an international conference puts me in the same room with leaders in the field. They are accessible and open to dialog. This is where I go into “groupie” mode. I buy their book at the exhibition hall, gush all over them, and get their autograph and a photo.
The most wonderful thing about conferences are the people you meet. I meet folks from all over our country and even some from different countries. I get to talk to people doing what I do with a different twist or doing related jobs or totally different work.
I get to hear the latest research and talk to the researchers. Granted I could wait a bit read the published article via EBSCO or buy the book on Amazon.
However, the level of energy from face to face interaction with authors and researchers and program directors just can’t be replaced by reading an article online.

I made some new friends at LDA this year. John Willson, Executive Director at Success Oriented Achievement Realized (SOAR) and Anne Mazza fromADDitude Magazine.
Here are some photos of the wonderful people I met at the Learning Disabilities Association International Conference in February 2014. I hope to see them at the next conference where we will hug each other like old friends and catch up over lunch.