Category Archives: Blog
Secret to study breaks.
Universal Design in Learning: a Short Summary
UDL is short for Universal Design in Learning. This term was coined by educational researchers (Meyer & Rose) at the Center for Applied Special Technologies (CAST). The concept of Universal Design in Learning stems from Universal Design in architecture, an … Continue reading →
Why Go to a Conference?
Why do I attend conferences? Conferences cost money. There’s the airfare, the hotel, meals, ground transportation and then there is the registration at the conference. This all adds up. So why do it? I go to conferences to present. I … Continue reading →
We love a good story and if it is about people who find success in spite of tremendous odds, we applaud even more and shed a tear. Researchers have been investigating this human trait they have named resiliency for several … Continue reading →
My journey to my PhD: studying is stressful.
Stress can detract from effective comprehension and sabotage memory. Today’s video blog on My Journey to my PhD, I look at the role of organization in stress management. Watch me video and study like a pro. Click on this title: … Continue reading →
How to study like a pro
As a doctoral student, I am a professional student. I study “ad nauseum.” That is whenever someone texts me and asks me what I’m doing the answer is usually “Studying.” So here I am making a video blog about how … Continue reading →
I Love January: the Best Time for Goal-setting.
This is a note I received in December. It warmed my heart to see my student reach her goal. Graduation is the goal of every college student. But how do you get from freshman orientation to your mortar board … Continue reading →
Finals and Mental Stamina
Studying for finals requires stamina. Here are some steps to follow to increase your mental stamina. Make the decision that you will study. Don’t think about anything else but your topic for studying. If your mind starts to wander, study … Continue reading →
Studying for Finals-be an active learner
Studying for finals is more than just reading and re-reading your notes. Try these suggestions to engage with your information and become an active learner. Stop and ask yourself what did I just read? Talk aloud to yourself. Paraphrase the … Continue reading →