Imposter Syndrome and ADHD Part 2
Why ADHD Thinkers Struggle More with Imposter Syndrome
Executive Function Challenges and Identity
ADHD thinkers often struggle with managing daily life and reaching long-term goals because ADHD impacts executive functions. These include planning, prioritization, attention, time management, working memory, response inhibition, task initiation, stress tolerance, organization, goal-directed persistence, and emotional control. When these skills are consistently challenged, it can take a toll on your sense of identity.
I recently had a call with a client who referred to himself as “a flake” and “unreliable.” It’s essential to remember: these behaviors are not your identity. When you experience failure that doesn’t mean that you are a failure.
The Comparison Trap
It’s not uncommon for ADHD thinkers to compare themselves to their neurotypical peers. Neurotypical individuals may appear more organized, punctual, or capable of managing tasks with ease. Colleagues, co-workers, or even loved ones often become the standard against which ADHD thinkers measure themselves.
When you don’t match up to their pace, it’s easy to feel incompetent. To counteract these feelings, you might push yourself harder—working longer hours, striving to find additional resources, and gathering more information—just to keep up. However, despite these efforts, you may still feel that you need to work twice as hard just to hold your place at the table.
Fear of Failure and Circular Reasoning
When you’re constantly overworking just to stay afloat, fear of failure can begin to dominate your thoughts. You might find yourself thinking: “It shouldn’t be this hard.” This can spiral into a cycle of self-doubt:
- “If only I were smarter, faster, or better.”
- “If only I were more organized, better at time management, or could focus longer.”
- “If only I didn’t have to try so hard.”
This line of thinking often concludes with a harmful belief: “This proves I am not enough.”
This circular reasoning reinforces feelings of inadequacy, but it’s important to recognize it as a mental trap—not the truth.
Personal Anecdote: Facing My Own Imposter Syndrome
I recently had an imposter syndrome flare-up.
I was facing a very full schedule for the month. Besides my regular work, I needed to address additional demands on my attention and productivity: teaching a class, preparing for a conference presentation, meeting additional writing deadlines, all while handling my usual workload. Family commitments also took an uptick. On top of that, I was exploring a new venture that pushed me outside my comfort zone.
I found myself spiraling into stuck-ness and paralysis—a complete standstill. All I wanted to do was hide under the bed. I looked at my peers and saw their productivity, achievements, and accomplishments. Despite the diplomas hanging on my wall and the credentials following my signature in emails, I felt like a fraud.
Through reflection, I learned that I needed to examine the thoughts invading my brain and question their validity. What evidence supported the conclusions I was making about myself? What was the foundation of my identity?
In the end, the evidence simply didn’t support the narrative in my head. It was a powerful reminder that imposter syndrome is often rooted in distorted thinking rather than reality.
If you want to talk about how coaching can help you redirect Imposter Syndrome, contact me here.